About Cross Point Baptist Church

Wide shot of the front of Crosspoint Baptist Church
Crosspoint Baptist Church Service

Cross Point Baptist Church was established in July of 2009.

We are a traditional Southern Baptist Church rooted in the traditions of the Southern Baptist Convention as set forth in The Baptist and Faith and Message. We view the Bible as God’s inherent word and as such we believe that it is sufficient in every way as a guide for the practice of our faith, as well as for life in all of its’ various dimensions and relationships. The purpose of this church is that it be a fellowship of regenerated and baptized believers in Jesus Christ; to foster and maintain personal and corporate worship; to proclaim and propagate the gospel at home and abroad; to teach and train the church’s membership; to perform the functions of the church and to strive toward full Christian maturity.

We seek to minister both individually and collectively to the spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, and social needs of persons in the name of Jesus Christ. It is our goal to seek to discover the mind of Christ on each issue or problem in life and apply that truth with faith and courage.

Our doors are open to all who come genuinely seeking to connect with God through His Son Jesus Christ and a community of like-minded people seeking honor God with their lives.


Dr. Eddie Bates

Dr. Eddie H. Bates

Senior Pastor

Dr. Bates is a graduate of William Carey University with a B.G.S. in Religion, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts in Religion, Liberty University with a Master of Arts in Education, and Masters’ School of Divinity with a Doctor of Biblical Studies Degree. He is a Fellow of the Stephen Olford Center for Biblical Preaching in Memphis, TN.

He has pastored churches in Mississippi and Alabama during his thirty-year ministry. For the last fourteen years of that ministry he has served as the Senior Pastor of Cross Point Baptist Church.

He has been married to his wife Peggy for forty-seven years with whom he has two daughters and five grandchildren.

David Akridge

Rev. David Akridge

Associate Pastor of Worship

As a native of Mobile, the Lord has blessed me with over thirty years of ministry in many great churches around the Mobile area.  By far my greatest experience has been serving at Cross Point Baptist.  Having been raised in a traditional style worship, I love hymns and the biblical doctrine they teach.  Modern choruses have their place in worship, but my heart is in our hymns of faith, therefore,  I tend to lean toward a blended style of worship.  My style of solo music favors southern gospel and some contemporary.  My heart has always been to bring the congregation to a place of worship before hearing the word from our pastor.   


Peggy Bates

Peggy Bates


Jeanette Smith

Jeanette Smith


Della Akridge

Della Akridge


Tanya Williams

Tanya Williams

Financial Secretary